Rejuvenation of hands - restoring volume on the hands

Application of hyaluronic acid to the hands  so they achieve the lost youthful look.

Hands are coming in the contact with direct sun most of the day and are also the most used part of the body during the day while we are washing, holding, touching, writing, lifting etc. They are getting tired without us noticing and suddenly the skin is not that firm and they show first signs of aging.

With this procedure your hands will be more firm and will get desired youthful look they deserve.

Duration of the procedure: 30 min

Catalog number: S- 143

Duration of the procedure: 30 min


máte pocit, že vaše ruky vyzerajú inak ako pred pár rokmi ?

Je to normálne, pretože vekom dochádza k stenšovaniu pokožky, čo pôsobí scvrknuto , toto vieme doplniť aplikaciou kyseliny hyaluronovej do rúk, ktorá viaže vodu a tak dodáva objem.  Procedúra trvá cca 40 minút a je takmer bezbolestná. trvácnosť 1-2 roky.